Key Responsibilities

  • To uphold the professional ethics of members by developing the code of ethics for accountancy profession and promoting compliance with the code
  • To design and implement measures to improve the quality of services provided by members through organizing seminars and research projects
  • To research on the theories and the practices of auditing, accounting, and other related fields of professional services in order to promote the implementation of auditing and accounting standards, and to establish auditing and accounting systems
  • To research on the CPA system and the services (including tax services), and to issue recommendations to the governmental and regulatory agencies, as appropriate
  • To design and implement measures to ensure that proper auditing services are provided by members
  • To support members by providing necessary assistance through consulting with the members and providing materials
  • To resolve disputes over engagements of members through mediation
  • To design and implement measures for the education and training of individuals who pass CPA examinations
  • To perform administrative works for the registration of members
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