IASB Seminar:Application of IFRS 18 "Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements" was held on July 1
IASB Seminar:Application of IFRS 18 "Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements"was held on Monday, July 1, 2024 at Otemachi Place Hall & Conference 2F Hall co-sponsored by the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants(JICPA) and Financial Accounting Standards Foundation(FASF).
At this seminar, we welcomed Mr. Nick Anderson (IASB Board Member), Ms. Rika Suzuki (IASB Board Member) and Ms. Roanne Hasegawa (IASB Technical Staff).
At the beginning of the seminar, Mr. Anderson and Ms. Suzuki gave speeches on the overview of IFRS 18 and its application in Japan.
At the workshop, moderated by Ms. Hasegawa, Mr. Anderson and Ms. Suzuki explained the requirements of IFRS 18 from a practical perspective and shared useful information about IFRS 18 through a participatory questionnaire.
Approximately 200 people attended the seminar.
This video (approximately 110 minutes) will be available for watching until November 30, 2024.