Training Session for Capacity Building of Mongolian Certified Public Accountants
September 20, 2023
JICPA has long been in contact with Mongolian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MonICPA) and has provided support for the capacity building of certified public accountants (CPA).The 41 CPAs from MonICPA, including Chairman and President Mr. Banzragch Tuvshin and Chief Executive Mr. Baasandorj Oyunbaatar, visited JICPA on September 11-12, 2023, for a two-day training program.
In this training course, JICPA gave lectures on "Overview of the Japanese CPA System, Accounting and Auditing System", "Global Trends in Sustainability Reporting", and "Public Sector Accounting & Internal Control of Local Public Entities". And IFRS Foundation Asia-Oceania office and Public Accounting Office, Budget Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan also gave lectures. They also visited Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC and Japan Exchange Group.

Front row, from left: Mr. Banzragch Tuvshin (Chairman and President), Mr. Tetsuya Mogi (Chairman and President)
Back row, from left: Mr. Hisashi Sato (Chief Executive), Mr. Baasandorj Oyunbaatar (Chief Executive), Ms. Satsuki Miyahara (Executive Board Members), Ms. Ganbaatar Tserennadmid (International Cooperation Division Director)

Mr. Makoto Takahashi (Director)

Mr. Kazuhiro Sota (Audit & Assurance COO ),
Mr. Takuma Ueki (Partner), Mr. Shinya Endo

Mr. Masato Tsuge, Mr. Naohisa Aratani,
Mr. Hiroshi Obama, Mr. Sekito Kato

Ms. Kazuko Tsunemine
(Chairperson of Local Government Accounting and Auditing Expert Committee)

(Researcher, Corporate Accounting Group (Corporate Disclosure))

(*) JICPA has supported MonICPA through cooperation with JICA's "Improvement of Accounting and Auditing Functions Project"( Provisional translation) in Mongolia (2005-2008), support for application for membership to International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) (Associate member (2003) and Full member (2012)), and training.