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GAA's issuance of a joint statement on launch of the first two sustainability disclosure standards

June 27, 2023

The Global Accounting Alliance issued a joint statement to welcome the launch of the first two sustainability disclosure standards by the International Sustainability Standards Board. The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants is also one of the signers of the joint statement.

Global accounting bodies applaud the efforts of the ISSB and the launch of their first two sustainability disclosure standards

(※)Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)
The GAA was formed in November 2005 and serves as a forum for 10 of the world's leading professional accountancy bodies. Its purpose is to serve the public interest by leading the advancement of a high-quality accounting profession by sharing information and collaborating, among GAA Members, and advocating on international issues important to the profession. For more details of GAA, visit its official website.

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