IASB Seminar "IFRS Accounting Standards Update" will be held on February 28

IASB Seminar "IFRS Accounting Standards Update" will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at the venue (Otemachi Place Conference Center 2F Hall) and online (Zoom live distribution) co-sponsored by the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants(JICPA) and Financial Accounting Standards Foundation(FASF).
At this seminar, we welcome Andreas Barckow (IASB Chair), Linda Mezon-Hutter (IASB Vice-Chair), and Rika Suzuki (IASB member) from the IASB. Following the keynote speech by the IASB Chair, they will be discussing the latest developments with IASB activities and projects. Furthermore, they will have discussions on "goodwill" and "cryptocurrency" with key stakeholders and leaders in accounting.
Further details and registration form are available on the IASB Seminar website linked below. We recommend an early registration to participate at the venue due to the capacity.
We are looking forward to your participation in this seminar.