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GAA's issuance of a Joint Statement on Biodiversity

March 03, 2022

Recently, the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)*1 issued a joint statement on biodiversity titled "A call to action in response to the nature crisis." The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA) is also one of the signers of the joint statement.

According to the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2022, Biodiversity Loss was ranked as one of the top three of the most severe risks on a global scale over the next 10 years, and biodiversity loss is considered as one of the critical global issues as well as climate change. In addition, climate change and nature/biodiversity loss are interconnected, therefore, as organizsations build their climate emergency literacy, including their contribution towards achieving net zero, they must also turn their attention to the nature crisis.
This statement was issued ahead of the upcoming UN Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) COP 15 to be held in April/May 2022.

Original English text: A call to action in response to the nature crisis

CPAs assume a key role in responding to climate change, nature loss and associated economic risks, as well as achieving a sustainable society. JICPA, as a professional accounting body, also will be committed to achieving a sustainable society and promote initiatives to support CPAs in contributing to the global challenges.

(※1)Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)
The GAA was formed in November 2005 and serves as a forum for 10 of the world's leading professional accountancy bodies. Its purpose is to serve the public interest by leading the advancement of a high-quality accounting profession by sharing information and collaborating, among GAA Members, and advocating on international issues important to the profession. For more details of GAA, visit its official website.

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