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ABN's Issuance of a Joint Statement on Its Commitment to Net Zero Emissions

October 06, 2021

 Recently, the Accounting Bodies Network (ABN)*1 , a member of the Prince of Wales's Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S)*2, issued a joint statement on its commitment to net zero emissions titled "ABN NET ZERO COMMITMENT." The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA) is also one of the signers of the joint statement.

 In February 2020, ABN issued a "CALL TO ACTION IN RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE"Open PDF file., a statement discussing the actions that accountants are called upon to take in response to climate change, to which JICPA was also a party. The recent joint statement was issued ahead of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) scheduled to take place from October 31 through November 12 in Glasgow to declare the commitment of professional accountants and accountancy bodies around the world to limiting the increase in global average temperatures to 1.5℃ in line with the Paris Agreement. Specifically to this end, 13 accounting bodies, members of ABN, are committed to halving the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and reaching the net zero emissions by 2050.

The outline of the statement
 The chief executives of global professional accountancy bodies that are members of ABN, representing over 2.5 million professional accountants and students across 179 countries, have pledged and hereby declared that they will contribute to achieving net zero GHG emissions in the future.

 Professional accountants, using their specific skills and expertise, can play a key role in helping achieve the net zero emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. To this end we will take the following actions:

(1) Action as professional accounting bodies
We develop a net zero emissions pathway (including targets) and report annually to show our carbon emissions reductions and trajectory towards net zero emissions.

(2) Action for our members
We encourage and provide our members with the training, support and resources they need towards achieving net zero emissions.

(3) Action for governments
We provide sound advice to help governments create policies and regulations for a transition to a net zero carbon economy.

 In signing the statement, Masahiko Tezuka, Chairman and President of JICPA noted: "JICPA will accelerate the development and implementation of a concrete action plan towards achieving net zero emissions. For CPAs to enhance knowledge and expertise on sustainability, we are going to design and deliver training and other programs."

 For more details of his comment, please see the video below.

 CPAs assume a key role in responding to climate change and associated economic risks, as well as achieving a sustainable society. JICPA, as a professional accounting body, also will strive to achieve net zero emissions and promote initiatives to support CPAs in contributing to this goal.

 For details of the joint statement and initiatives by each professional accountancy organization (PAO), visit a dedicated page on the A4S's website.

 To read the original English text , download the PDF files below:

Original English text: ABN NET ZERO COMMITMENT: from the chief executives of global accountancy bodies(PDF127KB)Open PDF file.

(※1)ABN (Accounting Bodies Network)
ABN is a collaboration between A4S and professional bodies across the globe. Together the Network represents over 2.5 million professional accountants and students across 179 countries, representing two-thirds of the world's accountants. For details of ABN, visit its official website.

(※2)A4S (The Prince of Wales's Accounting for Sustainability Project)
A4S was organized with the support of HRH The Prince of Wales in 2004 and has focused on activities to incorporate sustainability into corporate reporting and decision making. For details of A4S, visit its official website.

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