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FSA publishes "Audit Firm Governance Code"

April 19, 2017

On March 31, 2017, Financial Services Agency (FSA) published “Principles for Effective Management of Audit Firms” (the Audit Firm Governance Code).

Following its publication, JICPA issued Chairman and President Statement to communicate the importance of an effective management and a continuing constructive dialogue between auditors and relevant stakeholders to enhance audit quality.


For more details, please visit the following links.

Provisional Translation of the Audit Firm Governance Code:

http://www.fsa.go.jp/news/28/sonota/20170331-auditfirmgc/3.pdfOpen PDF file.

JICPA Statement:

http://www.hp.jicpa.or.jp/english/news/files/0-99-0-2e-20170419.pdfOpen PDF file.

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