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Revision of Accounting Practice Committee Statement No.14 Entitled "Practical Guidelines on Accounting Standards for Financial Instruments" and "Q&A on Accounting for Financial Instruments"

November 30, 2006
The Accounting Practice Committee issued "Revision of Accounting Practice Committee Statement No.14 'Practical Guidelines on Accounting Standards for Financial Instruments' and "Revision of Q&A on Accounting for Financial Instruments" on October 20, 2006. These revisions were made because the accounting for carrying amounts of monetary liabilities including bonds was changed as a result of the issue of Accounting Standard - Statement No.10 "Accounting Standards for Financial Instruments" by the ASBJ on August 11, 2006, and the measurement of inventories was changed as a result of the issue of Accounting Standard - Statement No.9 "Accounting Standards for Measurement of Inventories" on July 5, 2006.
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